Design Academy Eindhoven

Waving Weeds

A panel of hanging seaweed that react with sound to touch and pressure.
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Sound art

Coaches & collaborators

Design Academy Eindhoven
The panel of hanging seaweed is a mimicry of an underwater experience, allowing users to interact with a being that feels alien yet exists on our planet. This project aims to foster interest, or at the very least acknowledgement of beauty, towards the depths of our oceans, an environment that is all too often regarded only with fear. The variety of reactionary capabilities of each strand aims to replicate a living and responding environment as closely as possible.
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the tech

How does it work?

The Teensy Microcontroller is wired to a flex sensor in the base of each strand and one extra sensitive pressure sensor on either side of each strand. The strands are made up of a core of curved (molded) EVA foam for rigidity, around which there is the protective and aesthetic satin sleeve. The rigid core also allows for the majority of the force of touching the strands to be transferred to the base where the strands are thinnest, ensuring maximum activation of the flex sensor. The flex sensors are responsible for pitch change of the base sound whereas the pressure sensors add noise and reverb to the sound at differing intensities.
Open source code
Click here to grab this project's code
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