Design Academy Eindhoven

Cyber Drummers

Arcade-inspired laser drum sequencer game
Light sensor
Non selected
Performance instrument

Coaches & collaborators

Design Academy Eindhoven
Feel the thrill of solving a futuristic, funky laser puzzle combined with the excitement of making your own beats! Cyber Drummers is an 80s arcade-inspired drum sequencer game where, in order to produce sound, you need to guide laser beams on the right path using mirrors. Each Cyber Bunny, when hit by the light, produces a different drum sound and each combination of them makes different beats.
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the tech

How does it work?

There are 4 laser modules, separately controlled by a switch, and 4 LDRs, which are all connected to a Teensy 3.2 microcontroller, connected to a power supply and an audio output. When triggered, each LDR produces a continuous drum sound, which division is altered when combined with another triggered LDR (the effect can be stacked).
Open source code
Click here to grab this project's code
Light sensor
A light sensor detects light in its proximity
About the instrument
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