Simple Synth

Build. Design. Play.
Build a synthesizer!
Keep it Simple.

Choose your instrument

touch 2

Touch 2 is an instrument designed for tactile interaction and hands-on control. Upload different instruments through USB and play! Swappable faceplates (four included) and 12 touch pads makes it a tactile performance instrument.

Running the Daisy Seed microcontroller, Touch 2 sounds AMAZING no matter what instrument you flash on it. And, it's programmable, so you can design your own instrument using C++, Arduino, Max or Puredata.

Available both assembled and DIY
TOUCH 2 main features
  • Daisy Seed ready
  • 12 touch pads
  • 6 trim knobs
  • 2 faders
  • 2 switches
  • Audio in [Stereo]
  • Audio out [Stereo]
  • Also works with Teensy/Arduino
Build time 1h
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Simple designer

Simple Designer is a rapid prototyping instrument for synth designers, makers and musicians. It incorporates 80 slots for potentiometers, switches and jacks. You can also add faders, LED's and with a little creativity build a full-blown synthesizer running the Daisy Seed microcontroller
board features
  • Daisy Seed ready
  • 80 modular footprints that can fit jacks, switches, pots and faders, LED's and other components
  • Also works with Arduino / Teensy (midi only)
Build time 2h | Follow the tutorial below
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Simple fix

Sometimes all you need is a quick fix. This mini prototyping board will fit in your pocket. It can hold up to 4 potentiometers, switches, or jacks. It has mono audio input and output, and pre-made connections for the Daisy Seed, although it works also with other microcontrollers like the Teensy 4.1 and Arduino Nano.
board features
  • Daisy Seed ready
  • Mono in/out
  • 4 modular footprints to fit pots, jacks and switches.
  • Also works with Teensy/Arduino
Build time 30m | Follow the tutorial
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Synthux community

Synthux community spans over the whole world. We design instruments, run workshops and local meet-ups, and help one another with technical challenges, programming and manufacturing. Join the community mailing list and Discord server and start collaborating!
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loved by makers across the globe

Uzi H
I was very impressed by the board's design and its flexibility in terms of UX design. In general, the design of the site, material, and boards is very impressive and Roey was very helpful and friendly.
Neal S
Simple Fix was fun to put together, and I 3d printed a little box to put it in. The daisy is so powerful. I have been learning to code the patch.init() now thanks to the great start on Fix.
Michael J
It was a great experience and I learned a lot. It’s gotten me started in both digital module design and touch interfaces. I would highly recommend a Synthux workshop. It has given me the confidence to set off on entirely new directions
Filip F
The Simple Touch kit is just enough to be able to let an idea grow but limited to force you to be creative. Before I discovered Synthux Academy I've tried and failed to build a hardware synth a few times. Used the wrong microcontroller or didn't understand how to actually process sound. You've made a great concept with Synthux and Simple! I really needed a solid kit to start reasoning about how to perform with a minimal interface.
Rowan S
love the community you guys are building, and all the workshops you have been putting on are excellent! (I have attended as many as I could). I always liked playing with synths, and I'm an embedded software engineer for work. So I always wanted to code my own synth, but never knew where to start. All the resources and the discord were/continue to be a great help, and I'm really grateful for that!
Jon W
The kit gave me an opportunity to start studying electronic music and combining it with my interest for microcontrollers and interactive art. Perhaps this background as an artist and a teacher is why I'm so motivated to work with the stuff Synthux creates. The passion to combine an artistic and visual approach with the enthousiasm to share knowledge. I'm a huge believer in sharing, and the way Synthux is doing this is heartwarming.

It's arguably the most rewarding hobby out there! Put your creative and technical skills to work!

Host your own synth DIY workshop anywhere in the world

If you are part of a local community and into synth building, you can organize your own Simple Synth workshop. You'll get 10% discount on the kits and we'll take care of the shipping fees. You'll also get access to video courses for all participants, and support directly from us.

We offer this to independent communities (above 6 people), synth shops, maker spaces, and academic programs.

International Synth Design Hackathon #3

Every year around January - March we run an academic design hackathon among various institutions around the globe. From Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands, to Goldmiths University in London, UK,  University of Colorado in the US and National Cheng Kung University, Tainan in Taiwan over 18 academies have participated in past years. Check out the project galleries below.
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