Synthux Hackathon 2023


A pendulum that disrupts memory and space through sound and feedback.
Daisy seed microcontroller
Motion Sensor
An augmented liminal space
Art installation

Coaches & collaborators

University of Glasgow
The university’s cloisters, which link the concert and lecture halls of the main building, become an augmented liminal space in this interactive experience. The non-linearity of digital technology and memory was explored through the use of a complex system of delays to manipulate archive field recordings and the feedback of a live microphone, disrupting the distinction between memory and the present. Blurring boundaries between performer and observer, the pendulum box was both available to play as interactive device or environmental, wind responsive installation. The use of feedback incorporates the unique acoustics of this liminal space to extend its function to become a part of the instrument.
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the tech

How does it work?

The installation is a pendulum connected to two speakers in a reverberant space. A sensor box, which also processes sound, hangs from a stand. The Daisy inside the box senses its own acceleration, position, and orientation. These are mapped to the sound parameters– delay time, delay mix, and pitch shift. There is a microphone input for live interaction and feedback. We experimented with snapping, whistling, and voice manipulation. Audio samples were also mixed in live for tonal sounds (e.g. piano) and drones. Audio routing was handled through an external mixer and sent to the speaker output.
Open source code
Click here to grab this project's code
Daisy seed microcontroller
A powerful microcontroller for synthesis programmed through C++, Arduino, Pure data and Max MSP
A gyroscope/accelerometer is a device used for measuring or maintaining orientation and angular velocity
Motion Sensor
Detecting movement in its surrounding environment
About the instrument
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