Synthux Hackathon 2023

Sounds familiar?

Sounds familiar? is an interactive visual/sound installation based on the Warsaw Metro that replaces human/machine-made sounds with the sounds of nature.
Motion Sensor
An augmented liminal space
Art installation

Coaches & collaborators

Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology
The project aims to highlight the dying sounds of nature in urban environments. The installation replaces human/machine-made sounds with the sounds of nature on a projected live image from Warsaw Metro. By adopting Touch Designer and Kinect the new projected interactive space enables anyone to explore an urban setting replaced with sounds from a natural habitat, including sounds of leaves, birds, and others.
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the tech

How does it work?

We started by going to a station and listening to the sounds of that area. Then, we made a trip around the city to find uninterrupted sounds, record them, and put them into Ableton live, where we edited them. After that, we took a video of a metro station, and using Touch designer and Kinect, we created an interactive installation that uses body movement in a marked area.
Open source code
Click here to grab this project's code
Node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content
Motion Sensor
Detecting movement in its surrounding environment
About the instrument
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