
Synth design workshop at Triangle Core Berlin

August 13, 2022
3 weeks program
German & English
Season ticket available for €199 (instead of €290)

About the progam

This is not just a soldering workshop. Yes, you will do some soldering, but you'll quickly learn that the fun and creative possibilities lay in the design process. We'll take you through the process based on your individual skill level. Have a look at the detailed program below to learn more.

Week #01

Synthesis & interface

We will start off with designing the synth functionality. Prototyping and listening to the sound, then making decisions on what controls are needed. This is done on VCV Rack, to help us iterate and explore ideas quickly.

In the second part of the day we will focus on the interface. Making decisions on the controls position and size for best playability and performance. Once we've figured out the layout, we will solder the components in place and flash the basic instrument code.

The code we provide has the main components of the instrument. During the week you'll be encouraged to modify it, change the effects and tweak knob ranges. You'll have videos to support your learning and we'll be on Discord for questions.

Learning goals

  • Understand subtractive synthesis signal flow
  • Understand best practices in interface design
  • Be able to design a subtractive synth in VCV Rack
  • Be able to design a meaningful synth interface
  • Be able to solder electronic components on PCB


  • Prototyping in VCV Rack
  • Designing the instrument's interface
  • Soldering the interface components
  • Running the example code

Date & time

Saturday August 13th // 11:00 - 16:00

Lunch break

13:00 // Bring a sandwich (or we might order a pizza together)

Week #02

Programming a synth

Now that we have the interface figured out we can start programming it. During the lesson we'll go through the code sections and experiment with various parameters, changing the signal routing and effects.

Learning goals

  • Understand the basics of Arduino programming
  • Understand how microcontrollers work
  • Understand the basics of digital signal processing (DSP)
  • Be able to translate VCV Rack ideas into code using Daisyduino
  • Be able to troubleshoot common code errors


  • Programming the basic signal flow
  • Mapping knob values
  • Troubleshooting

Date & time

Saturday August 20 // 11:00 - 16:00

Lunch break

13:00 // Bring a sandwich (or we might order a pizza together)

Week #03

Tweaking & refining

In the third last lesson we will continue with programming the instrument. Depending on your individual progress and goals you will get a challenge to work on. This can vary from adding additional functionalities, to programming a completely new instrument.

The microcontroller we're using (Daisy Seed) has a vast library of pre-made synth modules and sound effects. You can combine them in various ways to develop your synthesis and programming skills.

learning goals

  • Understand the Daisy Seed documentation
  • Be able to add modules to your code and modify it.


  • Programming synth functionalities

Date & time

Saturday August 27 // 11:00 - 16:00

Lunch break

13:00 // Bring a sandwich (or we might order a pizza together)

What's next?

Further development

This course is just the beginning! Now that you know how synths work, and you can actually program your own controls, there's a whole world that's open for you to explore. We'll continue the learning on our Discord server. Meet other synth makers, share your work, ask for feedback and find solutions to technical issues.

Join Discord

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